Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Abai University students won a prize in the Republican subject Olympiad On October 17-18, 2024 on the basis of Amanzholov University XVI Republican subject student Olympiad on the educational programme "Russian language and literature" took place, in which 14 teams of leading universities from all over Kazakhstan took part.
Despite the high competition, 4th year students of the specialty "Russian language and literature" under the guidance of their teachers Sabirova D.A., Irgebayeva A.B., Kuatova G.A., Khavaidarova M.M., Polyak D.M. and under the guidance of the head of the department, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Abisheva S.D. showed a decent level of knowledge and creativity, taking the honourable II place in the team competition and winning a certificate for the amount of 50 000 tg.
Individual nominations were awarded to Abuzyarova Rufina for "The best comparative analysis of two lyrical works" and Abdumutalipova Bibisara, who received a diploma and a bronze medal in the individual championship. Aidar Bigaziev earned the unofficial prize of audience sympathy for the best acting and expressive reading of N. Gumilev`s poem "The Word".
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