Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Linguistic corpus of Turkic languages: theory and practice 25 September 2024 the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abay KazNPU held an International Round Table on "Linguistic Corpus of Turkic Languages: Theory and Practice".
The event was organised by A. Baitursynova, the head of the grant-financed project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "AP19676988 Concordance project. Kazakh-Russian parallel corpus" Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor G.J. Baishukurova, and project members: Candidate of Philological Sciences A.B. Irgebaeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor N.N. Aitova.
Leading scientists from Kazakhstan (Doctor of Technical Sciences A.A. Sharipbaev, PhD Ergesh B.J., Doctor of Philological Sciences Abisheva S.D.), Republic of Tatarstan (Candidate of Technical Sciences A.R. Gatiatullin, Candidate of Philological Sciences B.E. Khakimov), Turkey (PhD Taner Sezer), USA (PhD Galina Johnson) took part in the round table. Modern approaches and problems of the development of electronic corpora and subcorpora of the Kazakh language, Tatar language, and Turkish language were discussed, and methods and techniques of use and creation of tools of national language corpora were proposed.
We are sure that such international round tables contribute to uniting efforts of specialists in the field of corpus research and the development and expansion of research in this branch of science.
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