Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Scientists of Abai KazNPU visited the Higher School of Economics on a business trip
As part of the implementation of the scientific project № AR19676988 "Concordance of A.Baitursynov. Kazakh-Russian parallel corpus" in the period from October 23 to October 29, 2023, teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Institute of Philology G.Zh. Baishukurova (project manager), S.K. Serikova (senior researcher), Scientific Secretary of Sh.Shayakhmetov National Scientific and Practical Center "Til-Kazyna" N.N. Aitova (leading researcher) carried out a scientific trip to Moscow (Russia).
During the scientific trip, they met with leading specialists in the field of corpus linguistics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Doctor of Philology E.V. Kazartsev, professor E.V. Rakhilina; with a well-known scientist of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Dybo. In addition, they took part in the "Linguistic Forum 2023. The functioning of languages in remote regions: the Arctic and other Areas" (Moscow, Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences), visited the Russian State Library in order to study scientific literature on the topic of our research.
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