Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Abai University teachers have been on a scientific trip to the Aegean University (Izmir, Turkey)
In accordance with the calendar plan for the implementation of scientific project № AR19676988 "Concordance of A.Baitursynov. Kazakh-Russian parallel corpus" teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature G.J. Baishukurova and A.B. Irgebayeva visited the Institute of Turkic World Studies at Aegean University in Izmir (Turkey) on a scientific trip.
The purpose of the scientific trip is to consult with specialists of the Institute dealing with topical issues of Turkology and linguistics in order to master the technological methods of corpus linguistics, develop practical skills to work with world lexicographic resources, as well as study scientific literature in the university library to search for information on the topic of the project.
During the scientific trip, meetings and acquaintance were held with Professor Fikret Turkmen and leading employees of the Institute of Turkic World Study of Aegean University: Professor Nevzat Susan and Professor Muvafak Duranli. During the conversation, topical issues of Turkic literature, the creative heritage of prominent scientists, including Akhmet Baitursynov, were discussed, and further plans were outlined for organizing and holding an international round table in 2024 with the participation of scientists from the Institute for the Study of the Turkic World.
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