Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
An introductory conference on the pedagogical practice of 4th-year students
An introductory conference on the pedagogical practice of 4th-year students of specialties «Russian Language and Literature» and "Russian language and Literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction" of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Institute of Philology of Abai KazNPU, was held on September 18, 2023. The conference was attended by the head of the department, Doctor of Philology, Professor Saule Junusovna Abisheva, who wished the students a successful internship and noted the need for a responsible attitude to work at school. She also drew attention to the fact that in the conditions of an independent search for practice bases in the current academic year, students need to be understanding of the peculiarities of distribution by schools.
M.M. Khavaidarova,responsible for the organization of pedagogical practice at the department, acquainted the audience with the contents of the order of the rector of KazNPU. Speaking about the organization of industrial practices at graduation courses, methodologists and students assigned to them were named. N.M.Minaeva, the methodologist of the departmentwished the interns and their supervisors success.
Pedagogical practice is an important stage in the professional development of future teachers. We hope that the students of the department will demonstrate a high level of competencies necessary for a teacher.
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