Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
International Conference "Internet Literature of Kazakhstan: Main Artistic Trends" was held
The international conference "Internet literature of Kazakhstan: main artistic trends" was held at the Institute of Philology of Abai KazNPU (Kazakhstan, Almaty) on May 3, 2023, as part of the youth scientific project.
The event was dedicated to the memorable date and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the teacher, scientist and translator A.L. Zhovtis.
Youth scientific project № AP13067661 "Internet literature of Kazakhstan: Main Artistic Trends" is aimed at developing the theoretical and methodological apparatus of Internet literature by taking into account the main artistic trends and properties. The results of the study will improve the functioning of Kazakhstani information resources and will have a positive impact on the development of a culture of virtual communication.
The head of the scientific project is PhD, Associate Professor of Abai University Dina Sabirova. At the conference, Dina Altaevna presented the key report "Internet literature of Kazakhstan: the main stages of formation". Another significant participant of the project, a writer, playwright, critic, translator, Master of Humanities, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abai University Alibek Baibolov made a report on "Modern Kazakh dramaturgy in the era of the Internet".
The invited guests were: PhD, General Director of "" Alla Djundubaeva made a presentation on topic "Narrative Theory: Narrative Strategies of Internet Literature"; Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev Maria Fedorchuk, who online told the audience about the reader`s strategy in fanfiction; Candidate of Philological Sciences, Editor of the department of science and culture in the "Teacher`s newspaper" Boris Kutenkov, who told the audience about the current state of Russian-language Internet literature, and also gave a master class on finding places for the publication of modern poetry.
Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and university professors, and all those interested in literary creativity on the Internet were taken part in the conference.
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