Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Department of Russian Language and Literature hosted an evening of poetry by Mukhtar Shakhanov
On December 9, 2022 a poetic evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh folk poet, playwright, publicist and public figure Mukhtar Shakhanov was held at the Department of Russian Language and Literature. The organizers of the poetic evening "The world of M. Shakhanov`s poetry" were students of 1-2 courses of the RKO and RLL. Responsible teachers: 1st year adviser of the RKO Erzhanova F.M., adviser of the 2nd year of the RLL Irgebaeva A.B.
During the event, students and teachers set the following goals: to familiarize students with spiritual values through the comprehension of the creative heritage of M. Shakhanov and poets of the 60s of the Soviet period; activation of the creative imagination of students, their desire to be involved in the national and world artistic tradition; strengthening of universal and moral and spiritual values.
The informational part included a video film about the work of M. Shakhanov, material about the creative relationship between Ch. Aitmatov and M. Shakhanov, a presentation on the problem of language, the problem of the Aral Sea, the December events, etc.
The practical part consisted of a literary quiz, poems, songs and an excerpt from the "Otrar Poem" (Dialogue between Genghis Khan and Kair Khan).
The spiritual heritage of Mukhtar Shakhanov, Chingiz Aitmatov is so great and capacious that more than one generation will be brought up on their labors, thereby enriching themselves and increasing their spiritual and moral potential.
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