Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
The meeting in the Literary Lounge is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev
On April 16, 2021, within the framework of the month of science the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education held a meeting dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev «I will be back again».
The guests of the literary drawing room were Bakhytgul Aydarova, Chairperson of the International Public Foundation of Mukagali Makatayev and Erlik Mukhamedzhanuly, director of the Literary Memorial Museum named after M. Makatayev in the village of Karasaz. They spoke about the activities of the fund and the exhibits of the museum.
Students of the 11th grade of the Specialized Lyceum № 165 in Almaty, under the guidance of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature Saule Eszhanova and Bakshagul Sagyndykova, recited poems by Mukagali Makatayev in Kazakh.
The poems of the Kazakh author have been translated into many languages. They were performed in English and Russian by students of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov and students of our university.
At the meeting, not only poems were sounded, but also songs to the words of Mukagali Makatayev. Music, poetry, acquaintance with the poet`s creative heritage became another step for the young participants of the meeting to understand real art.
In her heartfelt speech about M. Makatayev, Professor Saule Abisheva emphasized not only the lyrical, but also the civic talent of the poet, who today teaches us to love our Motherland.
More than 180 participants of this meeting - people of different generations, citizens of multinational Kazakhstan - united one feeling. This is admiration for the talent of the poet, which the writer Anuar Alimzhanov accurately said: «His lines, kindness and love for a person are filled with kindness».
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