Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Conference to celebrate the anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev
The speech of the head of the literary-memorial museum of Mukagali Makatayev in the village of Karasaz Erlik Akhmetov helped the conference participants feel the atmosphere of the poet`s native places and get acquainted with the details of his life.
Professor of Abai KazNPU Saule Abisheva spoke at the conference about the poetic world of M. Makatayev, about the significance of his work today. Translations of his poems are published in many countries of the world, the word of the Kazakh poet sounds at scientific conferences in Russia, Poland, Korea, Germany, Vietnam. The author of the book about M. Makataev showed that the teachers and predecessors of the poet were Abai and Pushkin. In his poems there are many echoes with the works of the greatest poets of the twentieth century, and among his contemporaries the poet occupies a worthy place as a heartfelt lyricist and a citizen who praised his homeland.
Yergazy Manapuly, a poet, member of the Writers` Union of Kazakhstan, spoke in his speech about the importance of Mukagali Makatayev`s poetic heritage for the moral education of today`s youth.
The meeting ended with performances by college students with poetry reading and awarding of the winners of the reading competition.
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