30.05.2022 Round Table «Pedagogical Science and Education: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow»
Department of disciplines of the pedagogical cycle of the university (Department of Pedagogy) of Abai KazNPU held an international round table on May 27, 2022 «Teaching science and education: yesterday, today, tomorrow» dedicated to the memory of Grigory Abramovich Umanov Doctor of Education, Professor, Honored Scientist of Kazakhstan, Honorary Academician of NAS RK (1931-2021).
The Chairman of the Board, Rector of Abai KazNPU Bilyalov D.N. was the moderator and welcomed the participants of this event. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of «Abai KazNPU» NJSC G.I. Isimbayeva also made a welcoming speech and shared the memories of cooperation with Grigoriy Abramovich during her leadership in the Department of Education of Almaty.
Interesting facts and memories from his life and work together were given by E. Mambetkaziev, the first Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, President of the Kazakh-American Free University. He drew attention to the personal qualities of G. A. Umanov. His disciples and followers - doctor of pedagogical sciences Abylkasymova A. E., doctor of philosophy and philosophy Kosov V. N., doctor of pedagogical sciences Zhampeisova K. K, G. T. Khairullin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, G. K. Nurgalieva, V. V. Shakhgulari, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of Prestige School I. V. Kuzmina participated in the round table.
At the end of the event Grigory Abramovich`s son Boris Grigorievich Umanov, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, thanked the participants of the round table. In total, the round table was attended by more than 70 representatives of universities in Almaty, Moscow and Shymkent.
Future teachers, students, masters, doctoral students of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, young teachers, teachers of schools of Almaty, scientists, teachers of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of harmonious human development of the NAE named after I. Altynsarin participated in the events.