Departement of jurisprudence |
Researchers of Abai KazNPU - at the VIII Moscow Legal Forum
From 8 to 10 April 2021 to the 90th anniversary of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Moscow State Law Academy, Moscow) with the participation of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, INION RAS and with the support of the Russian Lawyers Association trere was held VIII Moscow Legal Forum "Socio-economic development and the quality of the legal environment.
E.A. Buribayev, Head of the Department of Jurisprudence of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU, Professor J.A. Khamzina and Associate Professor B.M. Koshpenbetov were invited to the event.
More than 60 scientific conferences, round tables, scientific-practical seminars, presentations of new projects on topical issues of legal science and education development were organized during the forum. Scientists of Abai KazNPU made presentations at the conferences, as well as held meetings and discussed with foreign colleagues issues of further scientific cooperation.
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