About us | ![]() Rauandina Aitzhamal Kalkenovna
RAUANDINA Aitzhamal Kalkenovna the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor KazNPU named after Abai`s. Rauandina Aitzhamal Kalkenovna was born in the village of Tortkol, Ulyanovsk district, Karaganda region (now Bukhar-Zhyrau district). In 1992, she graduated from Karaganda state University named After E. Buketov with a degree in Kazakh language and literature. From 1995 to 2009, senior researcher At the Institute of education problems named after I. Altynsarin. from 1997 to 2000, she studied at the postgraduate school in the specialty 13.00.02-theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (Kazakh language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education). In 2009-2010, she worked as a leading researcher At the national scientific-practical, educational and health center "Bobek", the Institute of harmonious human development. Since 2010, he has been working as an associate Professor at the Department of "Kazakh language and literature named after S. Kirabayev" of Abai KazNPU.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Bachelor`s degree: "Methods of teaching the Kazakh language", "Methodological bases of teaching the Kazakh language", "Communicative and cognitive methods of teaching the Kazakh language", "Teaching the Kazakh language through level tasks". Master`s degree program: "Methods of language teaching in Higher education", "Fundamentals of professional competence", "Functional literacy", "Language and intercultural communication".
Currently, he is an associate Professor at the Department of Kazakh language and literature named after S. Kirabayev of the Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai. He is the author of about 250 scientific papers (including 2 monographs, 30 textbooks, teaching AIDS). 1. Draft "Mandatory standard of education" recommended by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "State mandatory standard of the Kazakh language for schools with Russian and Uyghur languages of instruction"; ""State mandatory standard of Kazakh literature for schools with Russian and Uyghur languages of instruction" (grades 5-11. ROND publishing house-Almaty, 2002); Standard of continuous level teaching of the state language in the system "Kindergarten-school-College-higher education institution". - Astana, 2014. MES RK, national Academy of education Y. Altynsarin". 2. The educational program recommended by the MES-5: the program of the Kazakh language and literature for 5-11 grades of schools with Russian, Uyghur language learning (education, Almaty, 2001, 2003, 2004); level of the program of the Kazakh language for grades 1-11 schools with non-Kazakh language learning (Almaty, 2010, 20013).); 3. 3. Author of the bachelor`s degree program in the specialty "5B012100-Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction" (2020) 4. textbooks and educational-methodical complexes recommended by the MES: - Textbooks "Kazakh language" - 25; - Level textbooks "Kazakh language" - 11; - Textbooks "Kazakh literature" - 2; - Textbook "Self-Knowledge" - 1; - Textbook recommended by the academic Council of the University-3; - Methodical manuals -16; - Teacher`s book-24; - Didactic materials-10; - Lexical minimum-16; - Student`s notebook-8.
Combines scientific and teaching activities.
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