Faculty of History and Law |
Scientific Internship Lecture
On April 11, 2019, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan of the Institute of History and Law, Candidate of Historical Sciences Zabira Myrzataeva gave a lecture on the topic «Aitilgan tarih: ereksheliguy men bolashaguy» for undergraduates who arrived on academic mobility, the specialties «6М011400-History and «6М020300-History» of West Kazakhstan State University named after Makhambet Utemisov. The lecture was devoted to modern technological means of historical research.
The lecture presented scientific projects and their theoretical and methodological conclusions that were developed in the framework of the state programs «Halyk tarih tolkininda», «Uly Dala tarihi men madeniety» under the guidance of the Director of the Research Center «Oral History», Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, , Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Mambet Koygeldiev.
Historical interviews of research expeditions conducted by the center, archival personal documentary materials and documentary films supplemented the content of the lesson.
Undergraduates showed particular interest during the lecture and expressed their views on the importance of sharing experiences.
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