Faculty of History and Law |
Author`s lecture on «Parallels of the Sumerians and Turks»
October 12, 2023 at 11:00 with the support of the Institute of History and Law of KazNPU.Abai and the Department of Public Development of Almaty hosted the author`s lecture of the project «Kaharman ult». The event was attended by Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Institute of History and Law Manapov Nurlan and 1st year students. The lecture was conducted by the deputy director of the Shokan Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences Shashaev Auezkhan. The author`s lecture on the topic «Parallels of the Sumerians and Turks» aroused great interest among students and contributed to the exchange of new information.
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