Faculty of History and Law |
Seminar on the Alash case fabricated in the 1920s and 1930s
M. Koigeldiev, researcher of the University, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the State Commission on rehabilitation of victims of political repressions created in 2020 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev and on scientific project (2021-2023) "Alash case. 1920-1930". Documents and materials of the case fabricated by United State Political Administration under the Council of People`s Commissars of the USSR", shared the results of the completed work and new scientific conclusions.
The theoretical and methodological seminar was attended by S. Shildebay, director of the Central State Archive of the RK, M. Zhylysbayeva, deputy director of the Central State Archive, G. Kokebayeva, professor-researcher, professors, doctoral students, undergraduates and students.
At the end of the event the presentation of the book "Alash case. 1920-1930". Documents and materials of the case fabricated by United State Political Administration under the Council of People`s Commissars of the USSR". Compiled by M. Koigeldiev (responsible editor), Z. Myrzataeva, R. Mirzakulova.
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