Faculty of History and Law |
My Voice - My Future!
On November 16, 2022 the project «My Voice - My Future!» was organized at the Faculty of History of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and a forum of students in Almaty was held. The aim was to attract young people to public life and active participation in the upcoming elections.
Students from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Asfendiyarov KazNMU, KazNWTTU, KazNTU named after K. Satpayev and Abai KazNPU participated in the event. Participants of the forum made 3-4 minute report on topic «Methods and forms of increase of youth participation in elections» and conducted discussion.
Eleven students of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU actively participated. Uzkanov Alisher Uzkanov, 1st year student of the specialty «6B01602-History and Religious Studies» made a substantive presentation. In addition, the 1st year students of the specialty «6B01606-History-Geography» Doskozha Yesali and Duysenbai Aslan showed particular interest in the discussion. The student forum of the city was supervised and organized by Kuanyshbaev Nurseurik, the 2nd year student of the specialty «6B01602-History and Religious Studies», member of the student self-government organization «Nurdekanat».
Thank you to the students who took part in the forum! We would like to thank also Suleimenkulov Abduhalyk and Elemes Ayaulym (6B01601-History, 1 year), Kaldybek Akbota (6B01606-History-Geography, 1 year), Kasymjan Aidana, Sadybek Zhansaya and Uzbekbai Guldana (6B01604-Basics of history and law, 1 year), Serjan Koibagarov (6B01601-History, 2 year).
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