Faculty of History and Law |
Exhibition «D.A. Konayev - gasyr sanylagy»
On April 4, 2022 in the educational building № 10 was opened a travelling photo-exhibition «D.A. Konayev - gasyr sanylagy» in the opening ceremony of the Decade of Science-2022 of the Institute of History and Law. The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board-rector of «Abai KazNPU» NJSC D.N. Bilyalov, Chief Academic Secretary of the University J.M. Bitibayeva, Director of the Department of Science U.M. Abdygapbarova, director of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education A.V. Tanzharykova, head of research and scientific training G.A. Baymbetova, as well as heads of departments, professors and students.
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