Faculty of History and Law |
Seminar «New methods and techniques of development of functional literacy of pupils at the lessons of history
On the basis of Memorandum of Cooperation, signed in January, 2022, between state structure «Department of Education of Panfilov district of Almaty region Education Department» and «World history» department of Institute of history and law of Abai KazNPU a plan of work on holding joint practical conferences and seminars, pedagogical, legal readings on actual issues of education system development was made.
According to the memorandum, on the base of secondary school named after H. Khamraev in Zharkent city of Panfilov district was conducted the seminar «New methods and methods of development of functional literacy of pupils on the lessons of history» on February 19, 2022. The speaker was Ruslan Seitkaziyev, a teacher of the Department of World History. The event was organized by the methodologist of the District Education Development Cabinet of Panfilov district Ibrahimova A.Zh.
About 40 teachers of history took part in the seminar, which was held at a high level.
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