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Excursion with students to the museum of Almaty

The center «Rukhani zhangyru» together with the deputy director for educational work of the Institute of History and Law Manapbaev N.B., the heads of educational work of the Department «Jurisprudence» Isabayeva Zh. N., Rakhimova G.N. and the teacher of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Uteulieva B. M. on October 19, 2021 conducted a tour of the museum of Almaty for students of the Institute of History and Law.

As Elbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev said in his Message of January 10, 2018: «Building the potential of the nation requires further development of our culture and ideology. This is the meaning of the Rukhani Zhagyru program. In the preservation and prosperity of national spirituality, the work of museums is of particular importance, where artifacts of the centuries-old history and culture of Kazakhstan are collected. Students who arrived in the capital of spiritual culture, Almaty, during a visit to the museum got acquainted with more than 40 expansions, starting from the ancient history of Almaty and ending with modern culture and art.





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