Faculty of History and Law |
Specifics of studying at a university with an academic subscription
In April 2021, the Institute of History and Law will host the decadal event «Science Month-2021». On April 8, 2021, a scientific webinar was held on the topic: «Specifics of studying at a university with an academic subscription».
Among the 100 textbooks translated into Kazakh under the program of Rukhani Zhangyru, he separately focused on the books, indicating the presence of works in this field. Edilbay Ospan noted that in order to increase the authority of Kazakhstan`s scientific works on the world stage, it is necessary to pay more attention and attention to these conditions. This word of the lecturer made the audience think.
During the webinar, the participants asked several questions to the lecturer on the academic subscription and gave comprehensive answers to these questions. The event was fruitful for all parties.
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