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Republican seminar

«Development of intellectual abilities of children with special educational needs with the help of non-traditional methods of oral counting»


On November, 1, 2019, at the specialized school named after N.Ostrovsky in Almaty, Professor of the Department of music education and choreography of the Institute of Arts, culture and sports, Narikbaeva Lora made a presentation at the first Republican seminar «Development of intellectual abilities of children with special educational needs with the help of non-traditional methods of oral counting», held by the charity Foundation «Assyl Bala» and the International Academy of mental arithmetic UCIMAS.


The speakers included the head of the Department of special and inclusive education Department of preschool and secondary education MES RK Kuderinova Aigerim, Deputy head of Almaty Itkulova Gulnara, the head of Fund «ASYL ball» and the international Academy of mental arithmetic UCIMAS Salanova Saule, speech pathologists, Director and teachers of the school.


Kuderinova Aigerim, head of the special and inclusive education department of the Department of Preschool and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gulnara Aitkulova, deputy head of the Education Department of Almaty, co-founder of the Foundation «Assyl Bala» and head of the UCIMAS international academy of mental arithmetic Syrlanova Saule, defectologists, school principal and teachers took floor at the seminar.

During the event, video materials of positive results of the method of oral counting on the development of children with special educational needs were presented and discussed. There is a master class of UCIMAS students with special educational needs, as well as a concert of children of a specialized school.


The parents of the children expressed their gratitude to all teachers involved in the education and development of children with disabilities. As part of the seminar, there was a master class of the first lesson of mental arithmetic for teachers.







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