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«Lectures together»
at the Department of music education and choreography


At the Department of music education and choreography of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports, Professor Lora Narikbayeva and associate Professor Aliya Umurzakova practice online lectures with students and undergraduates-together. So on 30.04.2020, the teachers held a Lecture-together on the topic «Basics of playing the synthesizer: the device and the first skills of playing the synthesizer» on the discipline «Information technologies of music education» of the 1st year master`s degree. The lecture also involved students of 1-2 courses of teacher Lora Narikbayeva on the discipline «Basic musical instrument (piano)».

A Lecture-together is a form of teaching that is very popular in Western countries. This is the work of two teachers giving a lecture on the same topic and interacting on problem-organized material, among themselves, and with the audience. As a rule, one teacher conducts the theoretical part, the other - the practical part.

In this lesson, Lora Narikbaeva gave a lecture on the history of synthesizer development as an academic electronic keyboard instrument, accompanied by a presentation. Aliya Umurzakova told and showed the device of the synthesizer, after which she taught the first skills of playing the synthesizer with a 2nd-year student Zubayra Yusupakhmetova. At the end of the lesson, students were tested on-line to check the assimilation and consolidation of the passed material in the classroom.

Positive aspects of this form of training: dialogical communication between teachers and students, training in real professional situations, analysis of the issue from the positions of a theorist and a practitioner, activates the students  thinking process and their participation in the discussion, opens the possibility of developing their own point of view.


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