University student city competition the best Conductor - 2020
On February 28, 2020, a city competition for the best conductor was held at the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University. The competition was attended by second-year students of the specialty «5B010600 Music Education» among universities: the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, AbaiKazakh National Pedagogical University and the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University.
At the Department of «Music Education and Choreography»on February 28, the first qualifying round of the competition took place. The program of the competition selected works by O. Baidildaev «Otanym Olpyrdy» (as a competition program) and works of choice «Tuғan Jer» by A. Beiseuov to the words of M. Alimbaev, «Ga-da» Bob Carlton, «Kandai sulu dunie» T.Alaguzova to the words of T. Moldagaliev and others.
2nd year students of the specialty «5B010600 - Music Education» Kaisa Jasmine, Smаile Moldr and Yusupahmetova Zubayra took part in the 2nd round. They performed the following works by Bob Carlton «Ga-da», T. Alaguzov «Kandai sulu dunie» T.Alaguzova, O.Baydildaeva «Otanym kulpyrdy»: playing the instrument of the choral score and conducting in an ensemble with a concertmaster. According to the high results of the first round, our students went to the second round, where they showed choirmaster skills in the management of the choir.
According to the results of the city interuniversity competition among 2nd year students, our participants won prizes:
1st place - Kaisa Jasmine (supervisor: Balagazova S.T. - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate prof.);
2nd place - Smаyl Moldir (supervisor: Kakimova L.Sh. - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor);
3rd place - Yusupakhmetova Zubayra (supervisor: Kakimova L.Sh. - candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor).
Congratulations to the participants of the city interuniversity competition for the best conductor and their leaders!