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Competition «Fascinating Physics Experiment»

On April 12, 2022, within the framework of the events of the Decade of Science and in honor of the Day of Science, the competition «Fascinating Physical Experiment» was held, organized by the department of Physics of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Abai KazNPU.

The competition consisted of 5 rounds: Fascinating physical video experiment; Blitz survey; Physical riddle; Making wishes in physical terms; Show ingenuity (game).

Competition jury - acting Director of the MFI Institute Khamraev Sh.I.; Deputy Director for Science and International Relations Ualiev Z.G.; Deputy Director for educational work Mukhashev Zh.E.; senior teachers of the department -Methods of teaching mathematics, physics and informatics- Sydykova Zh.K. and Sugirbekova A.K.; senior lecturers of the department -Physics- Tezekeyev S.M. and Nasirova D.M.

Event moderator - ass. Professor of the department of «Physics» Rystygulova V.B.

Organizers - teachers of the department of «Physics» Sultanova K.Zh., Alieva M.E., Dzhaksygeldinova E.A., Zheksenbayeva G.A., Myrzatai M.M., Kamzabekova Sh.B. and Akkaziev K.


As a result of the competition, the following students were awarded: Diploma of the 1st degree - student of the FEK-203 group Akim Ulpan; Diploma of the II degree - a student of the FEK-201 group Batyr Abay and a student of the FIK-201 group Zhylgeldieva Ainur; Diploma of the III degree - a student of the FOK-201 group Berdimuratova Guldana, students of the FEK-215 group Nazyrkulov Asylkhan and Omirzakuly Akzhol. Algys Khat was received by students of the FOK-211 group Almatkyzy Dilnaz and Togman Nuraina.


Students demonstrated their knowledge, skill, craftsmanship, ingenuity. The competition was held at a high level, interesting, fun.