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I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of pedagogical Education in the XXI century - a step into the future"


With the support of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, the Almaty City Department of Education, the city Scientific and Methodological Center for New Technologies in Education and on the initiative of the leadership of the specialized lyceum №92 named after Mahatma Gandhi, the First International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of pedagogical Education in the XXI century - a step into the future" was held on March 28.

The main goals and objectives of the conference:
1) stimulating young scientists to educational and cognitive activities and research work, involving them in solving modern scientific problems;
2) supporting gifted and talented young people and unlocking their creative abilities;
3) support for the formation of the intellectual potential of young scientists.

The first International Scientific and Practical Conference was attended by scientists from Singapore, Indonesia, Belarus from domestic universities, as well as teachers of colleges and school, doctoral students, undergraduates.

The conference was attended by the Director of the Institute, D.G.S., Professor K. D. Kaimuldinova, Head of the Department of Chemistry, Associate Professor, C.C.S. Zh. S.Mukataeva, D.P.S., Professor N.K.Akhmetov with a report "Teaching classical chemistry with elements of gamification", as well as representatives of professors of the Institute with reports on the educational program and research areas of the department.







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