Faculty of Philology |
Connection with school - is a strategic program for the development of the Institute of Philology in 2023-2029
The Department of Foreign Languages of the Institute of Philology of Abai KazNPU on 02/26/2024 opened a branch of its department at the Koshmambetov secondary school in the village Koshmambet, Karasai district.
The choice of school for opening a branch of the department was determined by the importance of the university`s interaction with schools in the regions, where applicants for admission to our university mainly come from.
In the regions, students have begun to show great interest in learning foreign languages and there has been an increase in the choice of the Foreign Language discipline as the main subject when passing the UNT. District school teachers are in dire need of scientific, methodological assistance and support from higher educational institutions.
Therefore, taking these factors into account, it was decided to provide scientific and methodological assistance and establish scientific and methodological communication with one of the large schools in the Karasai district, where more than 2,600 students study under the guidance of 170 teachers. Of these, 18 are English teachers. These data are quite serious indicators that the school really attracts attention and is a good basis for planning and implementing large-scale scientific, methodological, and pedagogical activities for teachers of the department.
The procedure for opening a branch of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Institute of Philology of the Abai KazNPU on the basis of the school was held at a high level.
The school, under the leadership of the school director Kuanysheva B.K. demonstrated a carefully thought-out scenario for signing an agreement on mutual cooperation with the university, the opening ceremony of the Department of Foreign Languages.
After signing the agreement, the teachers of the department made a presentation of the university, institute and department and familiarized the school staff with the department`s action plan for the 2023-2024 academic year.
There was the Opening ceremony of the branch of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Koshmambetov secondary school.
The pleasant event for us, teachers of the department, was the fact that at school we met graduates of our specialty, who graduated from the university in 2008 and in 2023.
The opening of the branch of the department on the basis of the school was completed with the reading of the first lecture for English teachers on the topic "Modern technologies in teaching a foreign language", lecturer senior teacher of the department Kulekenova Zh.G.
Teachers, PhD , post-doctor Akimbekova Sh.A., senior teachers Kulekenova Zh.G., Myssekeeva A.B., and Sultankulova Sh.U. have done a great job in opening a branch of the department and the department now faces big tasks in implementing its plans.
We express our gratitude to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs in the specialty of foreign languages Saurikova A.M. in providing support to department representatives in such an important endeavor.
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