Faculty of Philology |
International round table «Urpaktar ustazy», dedicated to the 95th anniversary of academician S.S. Kirabayev
Welcoming speeches and presentations were made by Director of the Institute of Philology Professor Alua Tanzharikova, Academician, Director of the Chingiz Aitmatov Institute of Language and Literature Abdyldazhan Akhmataliev (Kyrgyz Republic), Professor of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Akhmetova Kulyash, Vice-Rector of the Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dikhan Kamzabekuly, Member of the Board of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Zhakip Bauyrzhan, Researcher at the Institute of Literature and Art named after M.O. Auezova, Professor Orda Gulzhahan, Professor of Afion Hojatepe University, PhD Hussein Kahraman Mutlu (Turkey), Professor of Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, Sutjanov Seyfitden, Associate Professor of Mukhla Sytka University Kochman, PhD Ekrem Ayan (Turkey) , head of the department of the Kazakh language and literature named after Academician S. Kirabayev, Nagima Ilyasova, Professor Serik Asylbekuly, Senior lecturer Ibraeva Aizat and Serik Smailovich`s son Nur Kirabayev. They also shared their memories of the personal qualities and merits of the scientist, who in the name of science and education spared neither effort nor time, always showing perseverance and principled approach.
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