Faculty of Philology |
Profession - the beginning of the future
On April 22, 2021, the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education organised an online forum on choosing future careers to implement the «Talapker 2021» Career Guidance Programme.
The event was attended by Nurmakhan Auesbekovich, Director of the Centre for Guidance and Admission of University Students; Kulsun Abdrakhmanova, Head of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation; Ersain Moldasanov, Associate Professor; and Senior Lecturers Eleonora Kanceitova and Gulnaz Satpai, and Lecturer Nurjamal Kospaganbetova. The forum was moderated by senior lecturer Zhangul Yelemesova.
Organisers of the career guidance forum familiarised participants with the activities of Abai KazNPU and answered graduates` questions. Senior lecturer Satpai Gulnaz made a demonstration and illustrative materials about the specialties provided at our institute. She underlined important requirements and conditions of the future professions, also told about hobbies of the students studying at the institute. Separately, she presented data on the professions in demand in the labour market.
Such an event can become a guide to the formation of interest in the profession and the conscious choice of a future profession, taking into account the abilities and inclinations of each student, depending on the needs of society. Career guidance allows teenagers to make an informed and unmistakable choice of a future profession.
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