Faculty of Philology |
The Republican educational and methodical webinar «Technologies of mastering the Latin alphabet and methods of its implementation» was held
«Methods of learning the Latin alphabet of the Kazakh language through the cognitive technologies of A. Baitursynov», Rauandina A. K. «Technology of teaching significant sounds», Dauletbekova Zh. T. «Features of mastering the Latin alphabet through the technology of meaningful learning», from undergraduates Mamyrkhan D. E. «Learning the writing of the Kazakh language based on the Latin alphabet through modular technology», Kuandyk G. A. «Learning the spelling of the Kazakh alphabet on a Latin basis through information and communication technologies», Aimakov B. E. «Ways to study the Kazakh language on the basis of Latin according to the updated curriculum».
The webinar was attended by teachers of higher educational institutions of the Republic, such as Muratbek B. K., Кaragulova B. S., Sadirova K. K., from Aktobe state University named after K. Zhubanov, Abuova G. A., Bakbergenov N. K., Esnazarova R. M. from Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda state University, Bekeeva N. Zh. from KIMEP, Dauletbekova Zh.T. from KBTU, as well as teachers, undergraduates and doctoral students of Abai KazNPU. They expressed their opinion on the issues raised, expressed their opinion on the scientific conclusions and news that were announced in each report. Suggestions were also made about the need to create a webinar on YouTube and to conduct online lessons and discussions in the future.
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