06.04.2022 An essay contest «Rule of law-the key to a bright future» was held among students of Almaty
Summing up the results of the competition the jury decided to award the Grand Prix Diploma to Tursyn B., a pupil of SHG №201, Almaty, supervisor Tolekova M.T, Diploma of 1 degree to pupil of SHG №200, Almaty, Mynbayeva A.A. , supervisor Tolegenkyzy A. Diplomas of 2 degree - School № 178 in Almaty, Umen M., supervisor Shynasyl G, SHG №200, Almaty, Murat J., supervisor Tolegenkyzy A. Diplomas of 3 degree - SHG №178, Almaty, Alikhanov A., supervisor Shynasyl G, SHG №200, Almaty, Kengesbay A., supervisor Atanbayeva A, SHG №200, Almaty, Kanatbek G., supervisor Dusebayeva U.