Republican seminar «Methodological foundations of teaching school geography of updated content»
On April 04, 2022, the Abai KazNPU Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography held a republican online seminar «Methodological foundations of teaching school geography of updated content». The event was attended by about 70 geography teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums of Atyrau, Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Zhambyl regions, Almaty, Nur-Sultan, etc.
At the seminar, teacher of the school-lyceum «Binom school» in Nur-Sultan, Nurzhanova Karlygash showed a master class on the topic «Features of teaching subjects that make it difficult for a student to master a topic in geography of the 7th grade». She explained the work with geographical sources, methodological techniques for experimental determination of the properties of geographical objects.
Senior lecturer of Abai KazNPU Abulgaziev Andrey made a report on the topic «9th grade. Global climate change and the causal consequences of its influence on the climate of Kazakhstan».
Geography teacher, teacher-researcher of the gymnasium of school No. 59 of the Turksib district of Almaty Arzikulova Gulmira, held a master class on the topic «8th grade. Population census, types of question production (using Bloom`s taxonomy levels)». She explained the ways of applying Bloom`s taxonomy levels in geography lessons.
Several topical questions were asked on the updated content of geography education and detailed answers were received. The participants of the event shared their opinions, made suggestions, and expressed gratitude to the organizers. There was unanimous agreement that the seminar was of a high methodological standard.