03.10.2019 Dear students and teachers!
In connection with strengthening public relations and expanding the open activities of the university, we invite you to subscribe to the official pages on the social networks of our university and rector Takir Ospanuly Balykbayev.
Rector accounts of Abai KazNPU: 1. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005455482373 2. https://www.instagram.com/btakir/ 4. https://twitter.com/@TakirBalykbayev
Accounts of official pages of Abai KazNPU: 1. https://www.facebook.com/AbaiUniversity/ 2.https: //www.instagram.com/abai_university/ 3. https://vk.com/qazupy_kaznpu 4. https://twitter.com/Qaz_UPY
We also ask that you send the addresses of the accounts of the official pages of the institutes, if available on social networks.
Contact details: 293-86-38, web_info@kaznpu.kz