The 74th Scientific Research Conference was held
аt the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports
On November 14, 2019, at the initiative of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports at the Department of «Art Education», was held the 74th regular conference of scientific research of undergraduates and students in order to increase theoretical knowledge and scientific research. The conference was attended by the head of the Department of «Art Education» Yerzhan Rysymbetov, chairman of the jury Sholpan Akbaeva, members of the jury: Miyat Dzhanayev, Aman Ibragimov, Kurmangazy Zhedelov, faculty members, students and undergraduates.
According to the decision of the jury, and the results of the reports on the topic of research of students and undergraduates, in the section «Theory and Methods of Teaching Visual Art, Artistic Work and Design»: 1st place took 3rd year student Zhansaya Yeshmanova (supervisor: Sholpan Akbaeva), 2nd place went to 3rd year student Feruza Seitmuratova (supervisor: Sholpan Akbaeva), 3rd year student Kassenova Dariga (supervisor: Yrystanuly Bazar) took 3rd place, also 3rd year student Zhansaya Tursyn (supervisor: Sholpan Akbaeva) and 2nd year student Nazgul Syrbaevna (supervisor: Bayan Bekenova). Among undergraduates: 1st place was taken by 2nd year undergraduate Baykusieva Inkar Zheniskyzy (supervisor: Miyat Dzhanayev).
In the section «History and Theory of Fine and Visual Art», by the decision of the chairman of the jury (Yerzhan Rysymbetov) and members of the jury (Miyat Dzhanayev, Aman Ibragimov, Kurmangazy Zhedelov): 1st place took 2nd year student Aruzhan Khimat (supervisor: Bayan Bekenova). Among the undergraduates: 1st place was taken by a 2nd year undergraduate student Almagul Kalzhan (supervisor: Yerzhan Rysymbetov), 2nd place was taken by a 2nd year undergraduate Dastan Tebegen (supervisor: Yerzhan Rysymbetov), and Guldana Zhamalbek (supervisor: Yerlan Asembayevich), III place was taken by a undergraduate 2 courses Rustem Zhanserik (supervisor: Sholpan Akbaeva), Ulan Shaimurat was awarded with an honorary diploma (supervisor: Sholpan Akbaeva).
The conference became a platform for the exchange of experience in research work of undergraduates and students, creating an enabling environment for achieving high results in the field of science.