Scientific-creative exhibition
On November 14, 2019, at the initiative of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports, the «Jasampaz» Gallery hosted the grand opening of the 74th scientific and creative exhibition dedicated to the development of creativity and the enhancement of students` interests.
The exhibition was attended by Yerkin Kaishybekov, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Institute, Yerzhan Rysymbetov, Head of the Department of Art Education, Yerbolat Kisimesov, Head of the Design Department and the teaching staff, as well as undergraduates and students.
The exhibition was held in the form of a competition, where the chairman of the jury was appointed as: Yerzhan Rysymbetov, members of the jury: Malik Kaydaro, Sergazy Zhamankaraev, Miyat Dzhanayev, according to the results of the competition in the section «Painting»: 5th year student Botakoz Duisebaeva took the first place (under the guidance: Yerzhan Rysymbetov), the 2nd place was taken by a 5th year student Togzhan Yesim (under the guidance: Yerzhan Rysymbetov) and a 1st year student Bakhyt Galymzhanova (under the guidance: Sergazy Zhamankaraev), the 3rd place was taken by a 3rd year student Zhansaya Yeshmanova (leader: Kopan Keldenova), 2nd year student Marjan Avdylmanapova (supervisor: Malik Kaydarov), 3rd year student Tursyn Zhansaya (supervisor: Sergazy Zhamankaraev).
In the «Drawing» section: 1st place student of the 1st year Izmukhan Anel Ruslanovna (supervisor: Sergazy Zhamankaraev) took the second place, student of the 1rd year Rysbek Nauryz (supervisor: Sergazy Zhamankaraev) took the second place. In the section «Applied Arts»: 3rd place student of the 3rd year Kasenova Dariga (supervisor: Yrystanuly Bazar), 2nd place student of the 3st year Kasymzhan Elnur (supervisor: Kulzhabaev Esengeldy).
In the «Graphics and Design» section, student Altynai Kembaeva (supervisor: Esengeldy Kulzhabaev) took the first place, student Diana Kudabaeva II (supervisor: Gulnara Bekova), Anastasia Bogatyreva (supervisor: Esengeldy Kulzhabaev), student 2 took III place Kuanyshbekova Gulnaz (supervisor: Gulnara Bekova), also student Aruzhan Bolatkyzy (supervisor: Esengeldi Kulzhabaev) and 2nd-year student Takhmina Razmatova (supervisor: Gulnara Bekova) were awarded with diploma. We hope that students and undergraduates will continue to participate in such competitions at a high level.