Departement of Arts Education |
The Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports was visited by a delegation from Hanshan Normal University, China
On September 3, 2019, a meeting was held at the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sport with representatives of the Hansan Pedagogical University (PRC) to develop the cooperation established in 2002 in the fields of art, education and science. Among the foreign guests, Wu Yujong, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee of Hanshan Normal University, Huang Peigen, deputy director of the department of international affairs, Chen Guilin, deputy director of the School of Fine Arts and Design. The Director of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports Kozhagulov Tokkozha Mukazhanuly, the Deputy Director of Academic Affairs Rabilova Zoya Zhekeldinovna, the Deputy Director of Academic Mobility and Scientific Affairs, Smanova Akmaral Smailovna, the head of the Department of Art Education, Rysymbetov Yerzhan Kurbanalievich and the teaching staff represented the Kazakh side.
At the meeting, they discussed the implementation of the dual degree project for students and undergraduate students of the 3/3 program (bachelor`s degree 2 years, master`s degree 1 year) for a bilateral exchange of knowledge, accumulation of experience and exchange of academic experiences. The parties also discussed the continuation of lectures and lectures given by teachers from the Arts Education Department of Hanshan University and conducted joint negotiations on bilateral events. After the meeting, the delegation learned about the activities of the institute and the university as a whole, visited the creative audience of the department «Art Education» and participated in a round table on the further development of business relations in the field of education.
Department of аrt еducation
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