Departement of Arts Education |
Scientific achievements of the Department of Art Education of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sport
We are pleased to share with you the latest scientific achievements and activities of the Department of Art Education at the Institute of Arts, Culture, and Sports!
The faculty members of the Department of Art Education, Ph.D., Associate Professor Zh. N. Shaigozova, and Ph.D., Senior Lecturer A. I. Ibragimov, from the Institute of Arts, Culture, and Sports, serve as researchers in the capacity of project leaders and principal researchers within the projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: - Research Number AP09259280 «Languages of Kazakh Culture as the Basis of Ethnic Identity: Semiotics and Semantics»; - Research Number AP09259862 «Exploring Traditional Crafts of Modern Kazakhstan: State and Search for Preservation Paths».
We are delighted to announce that the results of our research have been submitted to the library of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the form of a series of scientific works: - Atlas «Crafts of Modern Kazakhstan». Zh. N. Shaigozova, S.P. Kulsariev. Almaty: KazNIIC, 2023. - 250 pages; - Living Heritage of Kazakhstan in Education: Textbook. Almaty: Zh. N. Shaigozova, S. P. Kulsariev, KazNIIC, 2023. - 186 pages; - Guidebook on Comprehensive Measures for the Conservation and Revival of Crafts in Kazakhstan. A. R. Khazbulatov, S. P. Kulsariev. Almaty: KazNIIC, 2022. - 145 pages; - Kazakh Crafts: History and Development Prospects. Collection of Scientific Works. A. R. Khazbulatov, Zh. N. Shaigozova, S. P. Kulsariev, A. B. Naurzbaeva, A. I. Ibragimov. Almaty: KazNIIC, 2023. - 240 pages; - Brief Encyclopedia of Signs and Symbols of Kazakh Culture. Zh. N. Shaigozova, A. B. Nuryzbayeva. Almaty: KazNIIC, 2023. - 320 pages; - Languages of Kazakh Culture. A. B. Naurzbaeva, Zh. N. Shaigozova, D. K. Saikeneva, A. A. Galiev, K. Z. Uskenbay. Almaty: KazNIIC, 2023. - 422 pages; - Written Civilization of the Ancient Turkic Era and the Ancient Uighur Period (VI-XIV centuries). Almaty: OF "MKNIIC", 2023. - 320 pages.
These works reflect our efforts in the conservation and study of the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan and serve as a valuable resource for the academic community.
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