Opening of the creative exhibition «Dedication to the teacher»
On October 1, 2022, in «Zhasampaz» art gallery of Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of Abai KazNPU the creative exhibition «Dedication to the teacher» dedicated to 70th anniversary of Bababek Salauatov, member of Union of Artists of the RK, was opened. The event was organized by the Art Education department.
The creative level of work, technique of execution and colorful solutions in the painting are inspired by the unique handwriting of the author. For students, this exhibition is of great educational importance.
The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by the director of the Institute of «Arts, Culture and Sports» Iskakov Tayyrzhan Bakhytbaevich, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Berikbol Rahat, Deputy Director for Science and International Relations Baigutov Karim, Omirbekov Baitursyn - Professor, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of Art Education Asembayuly Yerlan.
The speakers warmly congratulated their colleague and wished him new successes and creative longevity.