Departement of Arts Education |
The creative exhibition «Life-Art» was opened
On 10 February 2021, the Zhasampaz Art Gallery of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports opened a creative exhibition entitled «Life - Art».
It was attended by Professor of the Department of «art education», a member of the Union of artists of Kazakhstan Tleuzhanov Adilhan; doctor of philosophy (PhD), member of the Union of artists of Kazakhstan Kalganova Copan; senior lecturer, member of the Union of artists of Kazakhstan Bekova Gulnara.
The creative level of the work, the technique of execution and the colorful solutions in the application of paints at this exhibition allow you to see the unique manners of each artist. Group exhibitions of these artists, which occupy a special place in the art of Kazakhstan, have become a bright event for art lovers. For students, this exhibition has a great educational value.
Acting Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Internationalization A. T. Kulsariev, Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Digitalization S. K. Sakhiyev, Director of the Institute T. M. Kozhagulov and veteran teachers spoke at the opening of the exhibition.
The authors shared their views and invited art lovers to visit the exhibition. It runs until 5 March of the current year.
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