Campaigning and explanatory work was carried out among school students
On February 3, 2020, in the «Zhasampaz» Gallery of IACS, as part of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbaev and in order to get acquainted with the university, to establish friendly relations with students of schools in the Almaty region, the Republican exhibition of schoolchildren «Onerli Urpak», organized by the Department of Art Education of IACS was held.
The event was attended by IACS director Tokkozha Kozhagulov, deputy director for educational work Erkin Kayshybekov, head of the Department of Art Education Yerzhan Rysymbetov, professor Sergazy Zhamankaraev, as well as teaching staff and young guests. Schoolchildren who won prizes at the exhibition were awarded prizes and gifts, and their leaders were encouraged. After the exhibition, a meeting was held, at which the director of the Institute of Information and Computer Science Tokkozha Kozhagulov spoke about the activities of the institute, its famous graduates. They also discussed the exchange of experience between teachers of schools and universities, the further development of business and creative relations, etc.