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Abai University`s young scientists do not want to stop learning


The young scientists at Abai University carry out systematic work to support and develop science. One of the evidences is the achievement of Ainur Seilkhan, PhD, of the Educational Program Department «Geography, Environment and Services» of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography.


She was awarded the Bolashak International Fellowship by the National Commission on Overseas Training and is currently undertaking a research fellowship at George Washington University (USA). Previously, Ainur has already achieved considerable success, having been awarded the title of «Best Young Teacher» in 2019 and «Excellent Teacher» in 2020. She has published 50 scientific papers. Of these, 10 articles are in the journals of Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science MES RK, 10 - in journals with an impact factor, reports at conferences in RK, Turkey and Belarus. Hirsch index on the basis of scopus is 4. Member of the commission for selecting scientific projects of the national centre «Daryn», independent environmental expert of television programs on the channels «Kazakhstan», «Khabar» and «Almaty».


The University is proud of its young scientists, who are good guidance for other teachers and all students.