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Preparation of third-year students for pedagogical practice in the conditions of dual education in the 2021-2022 academic year


On February 4, 2022, an introductory conference was held on the organization of pedagogical practice among students of the 3rd year of the educational program "Primary Education". At the conference, explanations were given about the goals and objectives of the internship, the main problems that future specialists may face during the internship were discussed, the deadlines, rules for organizing and conducting continuous pedagogical practice were announced, in which students develop assignments for students, shoot video tutorials, observe, analyze, and also conduct lessons themselves with the direct participation of the teacher, organizations (schools, lyceums) were named as practice bases and methodologists-heads of pedagogical practice were appointed. The head of the pedagogical practice of the Russian department is L.A. Lebedeva, the Kazakh department is G.Zh.Omarova.


During the conference, students asked questions of interest to them, to which they received specific, detailed answers.


According to many students, practice is an excellent opportunity for professional self-development.