Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology |
The results of the II competition of research works and projects of junior schoolchildren are summarised
On 06.04.2024 the final of the II competition of research works and projects of junior schoolchildren was held. The competition is held within the framework of the University`s decade of science. Regulations on the competition was developed by the working group, which included teachers of the Department of Elementary Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology: Professor; A.E.Zhumabaeva - Head of Department; J.K.Astambaeva - Senior Lecturer; A.B.Akpaeva - Professor; L.A.Lebedeva - Professor. And also the secretary of the Academic Council, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences M.A.Absatova.
At the semi-final stage 35 works were received. In the final 13 works were passed.
To select the works for the final, the jury team consisting of candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Lebedeva L.A., PhD, senior lecturer Astambaeva J.K., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Bazarbekova R.J., master, senior lecturer Ryabova E.V., teacher of primary grades (teacher-researcher) of school-lyceum STEAM of Almaty Bobrova O.V., teacher of primary grades (teacher-researcher) of school-lyceum STEAM Khuzina E.V., teacher of KSU "Gymnasium №46" Kebirova R.M. studied the submitted materials and conducted electronic voting. The submitted works were evaluated according to the criteria specified in the Regulations: originality of the idea, quality of the research, clarity and persuasiveness of the presentation, etc.
Active support for the competition was provided by 2nd year students of "Primary Education with ICT", in the organisation of the final - by students of the 1st year of "Primary Education with ICT". in the organisation of the final - students of the 1st course "Primary Education with Business Innovations".
At the final stage of the competition, Professor of the Department of Primary Education of KazNPU named after Abai, PhD. Kdyrbayeva A.A., senior lecturer Bekbaeva M. T., as well as research professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education of KarSU named after E. A. Buketov Abildina S. K. joined the jury.Head of the Department of Primary Education Dr.P.S., Prof. A.E.Zhumabaeva, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences G.A.Abaeva paid more attention to the preparation and conduct of the competition, participated in awarding the winners.
According to the voting results, 11 works in the age group of 3-4 grades and 3 works in the age group of 1-2 grades were presented for awarding diplomas of 1-3 degrees. The participants presented their scientific projects on various topics that aroused their interest. The projects included research, experiments, design and technological products.
At the final public defence, the pupils confirmed their results. The competition is designed to encourage little scientists` interest in science and help them develop their talents in this field. Finalists from Almaty city, Almaty and Zhambyl regions were invited to share their scientific research and demonstrate the ability to talk about their work in an interesting way.
The defence was held in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Students of the 1st year helped in organising the final, conducted a tour of the University.
The winners were awarded with gifts and diplomas.
The minutes of the competition are at the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSfTPP5PYEiFZ18QGm2KLatWaBsqB2Xf9nSTcg8O-XY/edit?usp=sharing
The Organising Committee of the competition expresses gratitude to all participants, supervisors and partners for their active participation and contribution to the development of research skills of junior schoolchildren. We are confident that this event will be a stimulus to further intellectual and creative growth of students.
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University will continue to hold similar competitions, supporting the aspiration of young people to scientific research and innovation.
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