Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology |
International competition "Presentation to the Lesson"
For the purpose of development of creative activity of future teachers, growth of their professional skill, support of use of information and communication technologies in study and work the department of elementary education of Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology holds the annual International competition "Presentation to the Lesson". And every year the number of participants grows. This time 86 competitive works were sent from 9 universities of Kazakhstan and near abroad countries.
On April 28, 2023 the results of the competition were summed up. The members of jury noted creative component in preparation of competitive materials - the plan - outline of the lesson and presentation to it. Many students used all opportunities of multimedia presentation in the works and showed their readiness for pedagogical activity.
In the category Best Presentation to the Lesson on World Cognition (Natural Science, Environment) 1st place was taken by Irina Savchenko (Shukshin Altai State University of Humanities and Pedagogy). 1st place went to Irina Savchenko (V. Shukshin Altai State Humanitarian Pedagogical University), Tolifa Soibova (Fergana State University) and Anastasia Fotina (Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University). 2nd place - Kuralbayzy Gulnur, Ramazanova Gulbanu (Abai KazNPU); Yugova Vera, Ponosova Anna, Semenova Anastasia (Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University); Kurbanova Mastona (Kazakh National Women Pedagogical University). 3rd place - Irina Pivovarova, Tatiana Galitskaya, Elena Sauer, Alena Knurenko, Anastasia Proskuryakova (V.Shukshin Altai State University of Humanities and Pedagogy); Elizaveta Gushchina, Tatiana Tolstikova, Valeria Zhen (Perm State University of Humanities and Education); Zhanzhit Zhadyra, Merey Kasken (Kazakh National Women Pedagogical University).
1st place was taken by Eserova Venera (Kazakh National Women Pedagogical University) in the nomination "Best Presentation to the Russian (Kazakh, English) Lesson"; 2nd place - Kabdulhamitova Nurdaria (Abai KazNPU); Novikova Alena (State Social-Humanitarian University of Moscow region) and 3rd place - Alibulatova Marziyat, Tagirova A. (Dagestan State Pedagogical University); Pardabaeva Parvina (Kazakh National Women Pedagogical University).
Nomination "Best presentation for the literary reading lesson": 1st place - Yudina Maria (Altai State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University named after Shukshin. The first place - Yudina Maria (V. Shukshin Altai State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University named after V. Shukshin), 2nd place - Kuralbayzy Gulnur, Ramazanova Gulbanu (Abai KazNPU); Alena Katovshchikova (Altai State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University named after V. Shukshin); Tatiana Blokhina (Perm State University of Humanities and Pedagogy). 3rd place - Aida Balabek (Abai KazNPU); Vera Ugova (Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University).
Nomination "Best Presentation to Digital Literacy Lesson": 1st place - Alexandra Tsyprinskaya, Aiyim Tursynbek (Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University), 2nd place - Margarita Ponikarova, Shadia Khalikova, Christina Degtyaryova (Abai KazNPU), 3rd place - Nika Gorchakova, Elena Kulakova, Marina Popandopulo (Abai KazNPU).
Nomination "Best Presentation to the Art Work Lesson": 1st place - Dinora Tolamatova (Kazakh National Women Pedagogical University), 2nd place - Nadzhibat Kandaeva (Dagestan State Pedagogical University), 3rd place - Elena Pavlenina, Anastasia Fotina (Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University).
1st place - Venera Eserova (Kazakh National Women Pedagogical University), 2nd place - Anastasia Rodko (Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno); Sevara Abdiganieva, Guldana Telmuratkyzy (Kazakh National Women Pedagogical University), 3rd place - Turganbay Zhanerke, Mukhamedjan Kasiet (Abai KazNPU).
Congratulations to the winners!
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