Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology |
Promotion of national values
On April 14, 2023 the results of the student festival "Let`s glorify Kazakh national values", organized within the project "To instill national values to future teachers of primary classes by creating a mobile educational environment" were summed up. 1st year students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology participated.
The winners of competitions "Kakhut - an intellectual game", "Art", "Kazakh national clothes", "Video clips", "Field of skills" were defined.
The first place (15 000 tenge certificate) was taken by students of a speciality "Primary education with business innovations", the second (10 000 tenge certificate) - "Primary education with information and communication technologies", the third place (certificate 8 000 tenge) was awarded to the students of two specialties - "Primary education with polylingualism" - "Primary education in English (3-year)".
At the end of the festival the head of the project A. E. Zhumabaeva expressed her gratitude to the organizer of the youth club "Treasure of the Nation" R. J. Bazarbekova and club members for their efforts to maintain the page "Treasure of the Nation" in Instagram. It was proposed to expand the work of this club, promoting national values among young people and actively participate in various activities in this area.
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