Department of Social and Youth Policy | |
Main goals and objectives education of a comprehensively developed person on the basis of universal and national values; increasing the level of education in the educational organization through the development of students as a humanitarian, spiritual and social person, professional person, creating favorable environment and optimal conditions for self-development; support and strengthening of psychological health of subjects of educational processes, creation of a favorable psychological climate in the organization of education and psychological support of participants of educational process. Work on the implementation of youth policy in the society; to expand the cultural horizons of students, to form their high moral qualities and aesthetic tastes; to promote the effective use of leisure time and harmonious development of persons, the organization of cultural and mass events; the formation of moral, spiritual and cultural values, needs, ethical norms and generally accepted rules of behavior in society; Creation of conditions for students of the society to realize their individual abilities and intellectual potential; organization of workshops and training seminars for students; the formation of a motivational space, which ensures the development of each person`s intellectual potential, leadership qualities and talents, to promote the formation of its information culture; prevention and detection of scenes of asocial and autodestructive behavior of students; organization of socio-psychological processes in the adaptation of students; implementation of psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional work to prevent and solve emotional and psychological difficulties and problems of students; formation of a positive life position of students; share with students the psychological knowledge necessary for effective professional activity and achievement; Assistance to the leadership of the society in strengthening corporate culture; organization of information on the activities of psychological support for students, persons with disabilities and faculty in the main areas of psychological support; psychological support for students in overcoming learning difficulties and social and emotional problems. To fulfill the tasks, statutes and orders assigned to the Rector by the Chairman of the Board; to work with students on the implementation of the requirements of the Charter of the Society, the rules of internal order and living in dormitories, the basic provisions of the Code of Ethics of students and undergraduates of KazNPU named after Abai; timely consideration of all applications and claims of students who come to the Department; To carry out work in accordance with the Rules of the Department and the work plan for the academic year; To support the socially significant proposals of students; To contribute to the creation of necessary conditions for the social life and education and recreation of students.
Functions: development of annual plans for cultural, sports, recreation and educational work with students of the society, ensuring their implementation; various activities to improve cultural and mass work, patriotic education, prevention of offenses and extremism, formation of a healthy lifestyle, tolerance and education of interethnic harmony; analysis of educational work organized by institutions and divisions of the society; introduction of advanced methods and forms of organization of education, social work into practice; Development of student self-government in society; organization of annual medical examination of students and undergraduates; formation of the base of socially vulnerable students and coordination of work in this direction; Organization of work on the development and promotion of the main priorities of the Address of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan; preparation and publication of materials in the mass media on issues of education, social work; Organization of activities within the methodological framework proposed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the preparation of roadmaps on social issues, the organization of educational activities in coordination with the leadership of the Society.
Work plan of the Department of Social and Youth Policy for the academic year 2024-2025
The Code of Ethics for students of the non-profit joint-stock Company "Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai"
Oath of the future teacher
Regulations on the order of granting discounts on tuition fees to students of "Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University" non-profit joint-stock company Rules of accommodation of students and other persons in dormitories of "Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University" NJSC