31.12.2021 The full list of «Bolashak» scholarship holders has been published
On December 28, 2021, the full list of «Bolashak» scholarship holders was published. Following the selection of the third stream of this year, the scholarship was awarded to 569 Kazakhstanis. 11 of the mare teachers of Abai KazNPU. It is worth reminding that three teachers of our university: Bekpenbetova Kazyna Asanovna, Sabirova Dina Altayevna, Seilkhan Ainur Seilkhankyzy were awarded the «Bolashak» international scholarship by the decision of the Committee for Training of Specialists Abroad on September 8, 2021, in the second stream. They will undertake an internship at the University of Washington (USA) with a degree in Educational Management.
In total, 55 applications for participation in the scholarship program were submitted from Abai KazNPU in 2021, 28 of them applied for the program «500 scientists», 27 people for the annual internship «Bolashak». As a result of the competitive selection, 14 people became scholarship holders.
List of applicants who have received the «Bolashak» scholarship 1. Bekpenbetova Kazyna Asanovna 2. Sabirova Dina Altayevna 3. Seilkhan Ainur Seilkhankyzy 4. Akylbekova Turar Nauryzbayevna 5.Kassymbekova Dinara Abilzhanovna 6. Syman Kuanysh Zheniskyzy 7. Kasymbek Aliya Orynbasarkyzy 8. Saifumalikova Sabira Sabytzhanovna 9.Yerzhanov Yerkebulan Daukenbayevich 10. Absatova Marfuga Absatovna 11.Kurmanbek Akaydar Anargaliuly 12.Umirbekova Akerke Nurlanbekovna 13. Shorabek Adilkhan Duisenbayevich 14. Zhumash Gaukhar Temiralikyzy
From the very beginning of the competition, the Department of International Cooperation provided all the necessary information about the internship to the applicants. Individual conversations were held with each applicant, a WhatsApp chat, where all the latest information on internships was published was created, a weekly meeting of the Department of International Cooperation was held with applicants for the «Bolashak» scholarship program through the ZOOM platform.
In general, in 2021, the number of applicants who received the «Bolashak» scholarship increased throughout the country due to the introduction of a new category of «500 scientists».
We congratulate the winners who have received a scholarship and wish them successful internships in the chosen areas, and we also would like to note that this victory is a victory of the entire University!