Graduation ceremony
On 13 December, 2016 at the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University hosted the first graduation ceremony of the University of Paris Diderot and the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations - consortium members Sorbonne in Paris. Forty-two graduates received their master degrees from the representatives of the universities of Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC). In honor of this significant event to Sorbonne Kazakhstan Institute there arrived distinguished guests, representatives of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan, University of Sorbonne Paris Cité leaders and universities - members of the consortium of the USPC.
The first Vice-rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Professor Yermaganbetov Mubarak , delivered a welcoming speech, emphasizing in it, that the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute contributes to the preparation of highly skilled personnel of Kazakhstan, which now are educated according to the standards of the leading European universities, without leaving the Republic of Kazakhstan. European education itself comes to our house.
The ceremony was also attended Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic in the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Francis Etienne, delivered congratulatory words to the graduates and staff of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute. In his speech, the Ambassador thanked the Rector Praliyev Seryk for his great contribution to the development of Kazakh-French relations in the field of education and science. He noted that the good organization of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute is credit co-directors Nurlikhina G.B. and Serv M.A., as well as the whole staff of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute. Addressing the graduates, Mr. Ambassador Francis Etienne said that from now on France will be forty-two graduates anymore, as all graduates of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute considered as graduates of a French University.