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 Simtikov Zhomart Kudaibergenovich
Head of the Center
Candidate of historical sciences, doctor of political science
Zhambyl st, 25

General information and organization of educational-and methodical work


Public departments in the university structure have performed and continue to perform a significant function in training highly qualified specialists for the needs of the state. The history of the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines provides deep historical information.

The current formation of the department originates on the basis of the departments "Political Economy" and "Marxist-Leninist Philosophy". The departments of "Scientific Communism" and "Methodology of Philosophy of Science" marked the beginning of the modern department. On the basis of the Department of "Political Economy", the Department of "Scientific Communism" was created under the leadership of the Honored worker of the Kazakh SSR Higher School, Professor Caesar Lvovich Friedman, who trained qualified specialists for the political and social arena.

In 1980, the name of the department was renamed "History of the CPSU" under the leadership of Madanov Hamid Madanovich.

And "Marxist-Leninist Philosophy" later became the Department of "Methodology of Philosophy of Science", which for many years was headed by Kadyrshat Shapagatuly Shulembayev, and later by such famous philosophersas Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Garifolla Esim, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Murat Sabit. In addition to such famous philosophers as O. A. Segizbayev, Z. A. Mukashev, new generations of Kazakh scientists worked here: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor D. O. Kussainov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor N. G. Ayupov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Zh. M. Mutalipov. During this period, the foundations of a separate Kazakh philosophical school were based.

At the beginning of independence, in 1991, the Department of "Political Science" was opened as a department for training specialists. In 1992, the Department of "History of the CPSU" was transformed into the Department of "Sociology". In different periods of existence, the Department of "Political Science" was headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S. Z. Narmatov, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Zh.K. Simtikov, and the Department of "Sociology" - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor S. S. Nurkasynov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor I. Sh. Shamshatov.

In connection with the transition to market relations and political and social processes, aimed at democratizing public life, a new stage in the history of departments begins. In this regard, fundamental changes have taken place in the content of disciplines, they have freed themselves from ideological orientation, acquired an objective scientific character, and gained the opportunity to use the achievements of world science in the field of political science and sociology.

In 1997, the Department of "Sociology" was established separately as a university-wide department. In the 2000s, the department was renamed "Theoretical and Applied Political Science and Sociology", which was replenished with qualified specialists. In particular, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor M. B. Tatimov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. Sh. Ishmukhamedov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor T. S. Sarsenbayev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professors R. K. Kairgeldin, V. K. Sidorov, M. B. Zaslavskaya and other scientists contributed to the development of science and education.

Since 2009, the department was renamed the Department of "Political Science and Socio-philosophical Disciplines", and in the formation and development of the new department until 2018, its head was Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Absattov Raushanbek Borambaevich.

Under his leadership, the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines, along with bachelor`s degrees in the specialties "5B050200 - Political Science", "5B050100 - Sociology", "5B020600 - Religious Studies", "Cultural Studies", "5B020100 - Philosophy", opened master`s and doctoral PhD programs in the specialties "6D050200 - Political Science", "6D050100 - Sociology." Thus, the department has moved to a new level of specialty training.

Under the editorship of Professor R.B. Absattarov, the issue of the scientific journal Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai, the series "Sociological and Political Sciences" continues.

Since September 1, 2018, the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines has been headed by a well-known political scientist, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Simtikov Zhomart Kudaibergenovich.

The department has 5 doctors of sciences, professors, 10 candidates of sciences, associate professors and PhD - 6, 15 masters - a total of 35 teaching staff. 21 doctoral students and 10 undergraduates participate in the research work.

The Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai is one of the fundamental teams in which authors of the republican level work in the fields of "Political Science", "Philosophy", "Sociology", "Religious Studies", "Cultural Studies", which always rely on a deep scientific and pedagogical direction.

The department has PhD doctoral programs in the specialty "6D050200 - Political Science", "6D050100 - Sociology", "6D020100 - Philosophy" and a master`s degree in five specialties. Since August 2018, the bachelor`s degree program has been opened in five specialties: "5B050200 - Political Science", "5B020100 - Philosophy", "5B050100 -Sociology", "5B020600 - Religious Studies" and "5B020400 - Cultural Studies".

Currently, undergraduates and doctoral students of the department continue to successfully engage in research work on the topics of their doctoral and master`s theses.

The specific results of the research work of the department are reflected in various fields of activity of teachers of doctoral students and undergraduates. The published scientific works have both scientific and theoretical significance and applied value. The results of the research work are used in the educational process.

Currently, the department contributes to modern processes in the field of higher education and science in Kazakhstan. Here, on the basis of effective integration of education, science and innovation, the training of professionals who meet the needs of the intellectual environment in modern society is actively conducted.

Students scientific-research work

The department has developed and is constantly developing various forms of research work of students, such as research circles, student participation in international, national and student research events. The scientific circle "Philosophical Thursday" has been functioning at the department on a permanent basis since 2018. The head is the Doctor of Philosophy, Professor J.A.Kabaeva. The results of students` scientific research are summarized and discussed at meetings of the circle, heard in student groups, and also nominated for participation in conferences. Students actively develop the skills acquired at the meetings of the circles in other, more complex types of student scientific work.


Ideological and educational work of the department

One of the main tasks of the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines, along with conducting educational and scientific and methodological work, is educational work with students, since the performance of an educational function is integral to the pedagogical process in a higher educational institution and is included in the range of official duties of all persons of the teaching staff of the department (head, professors, associate professors, senior teachers).

The purpose of the ideological and educational work of the teaching staff of the department is the formation of a well-rounded, morally mature and socially active student personality with deep professional knowledge and skills.