27.08.2021 University without corruption
In the Anti-Corruption Center of the Anti-Corruption Department in Almaty, a meeting was held with the Chairman of the Board-Rector of Abai KazNPU, Doctor of Medical Sciences Darkhan Bilyalov. The head of the «Sanaly Urpak» Republican Project Office, Kairzhan Tokishev, who opened the meeting, noted that our university was the first among Kazakhstani universities to support the anti-corruption policy of the «Sanaly Urpak» office and created an environment free of corruption. Thanks to this purposeful and fruitful work, Abai University was the first in the country to receive a certificate of international compliance from Eurosert ISO 37001-2016. «Therefore, we organized this meeting to share the anti-corruption experience of the country`s leading university», said Kairzhan Tokishev.
In his speech, D.N.Bilyalov said that anti-corruption measures in Abai KazNPU and compliance with the principles of academic integrity are carried out in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of a plan approved by the «Sanaly Urpak» office of the Anti-Corruption Department of Almaty. The university has an anti-corruption council. In 2019, at the suggestion of the «Sanaly Urpak» project office of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parasat center was created at the university in order to prevent possible corruption, to form an anti-corruption culture of students. On the initiative of the center, the anti-corruption management system of the international standard ISO 37001-2016 was introduced.
In order to form students`zero tolerance for corruption, the subject «Law and Culture of Counteracting Corruption» was included in the curriculum as an optional subject for 2-3 years of bachelor`s degree. New topics on anti-corruption issues have been introduced in theses, master`s and doctoral dissertations of students of the Institute of History and Law. The system of examination of diploma works, dissertations, scientific articles of teachers under the special program «Antiplagiat» began to work. From the 2019-2020 academic year, synchronous Google Meet and OEC asynchronous control are used for midterm and final attestation, master`s and doctoral entrance exams. In the 2020-2021 academic year, computer testing was carried out using the AERO system, written exams using the Oqylyq system. According to the results of winter exams, 38 students were reprimanded for non-compliance with the requirements of the «Code of Academic Integrity», 5 students were expelled for violating it. During the spring session, several students were also expelled for violating the Code. The practice of providing moral and material support to teachers and employees who perform their duties well is being introduced.
Talking about the work carried out in this direction, D.N.Bilyalov noted that our university is taking a huge number of measures against manifestations of all types of corruption.
The head of the Anti-Corruption Department in Almaty, Murat Akhmetov, expressed satisfaction with the work of Abai KazNPU in this area and thanked its first head for active and systematic work.
At the end of the meeting, rector D. Bilyalov and head of the department Murat Akhmetov signed an anti-corruption plan.
The event was attended by employees of the Anti-Corruption Department of Almaty, the Republican Project Office «Sanaly Urpak» and the Center «Parasat» at the Abai KazNPU.
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