19.04.2021 Lecture «Great Teacher», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous teacher R.B.Nurtazina
On April 15, 2021, in Abai KazNPU a historical and educational (online / offline) lecture «The Great Teacher», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Hero of Socialist Labor, a famous teacher of the country Rafika Bekenovna Nurtazina.
There were several reports. Professor Marfuga Absatova from the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology focused on the innovative activities of R. Nurtazina. Her colleague Rakhima Sakenova in her report «R. B. Nurtazina`s school of wisdom» revealed the professional and personal qualities of the famous teacher. Professor of Abai KazNPU Musataeva Manat made a report «Linguo-didactic personage of R. B. Nurtazina in the history of Kazakhstan pedagogy». Smagulova Zhuldyz (R. B. Nurtazina`s sister-in-law), Dean of the Faculty of Humanitarian Pedagogy at KIMEP University, shared her memories about Rafika Bekenkyzy`s life in the family circle. Ayzhan Nusupbekova, doctoral student of Abai KazNPU, the head of the classroom of Russian language and literature named after R. Nurtazina at secondary school № 12 named after Sh. Ualikhanov, spoke about her work at school, ways to awaken interest in the studied subject, activation of cognitive activity, development of intelligence and desire for creativity, creating conditions for stable results of educational activities of students.
All speakers stressed that life and fruitful pedagogical work of Rafika Nurtazina on education of young generation still long will be an example for all teachers of Kazakhstan. Her long-term self-denying work was awarded with high state awards.
Organizers of the event - Center «Uly dala tulgalary», Department of Education, social work and youth policy.